General Info

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The Institute for City Logistics (ICL) was established in Kyoto, Japan in 1999. The most important objective of the Institute is to be the centre of excellence for research and development in City Logistics and urban freight transport. ICL conducts both fundamental research and applied investigations relating to actual problems within society. ICL also provides a platform for the exchange of knowledge, experience and information concerning City Logistics and urban freight transport. ICL will perform a number of activities relating to City Logistics and urban freight transport, including:

  • Organising international conferences
  • Performing investigations
  • Developing software
  • Presenting short courses
  • Issuing newsletters
  • Publishing books and journals.


International Conferences

ICL organised the First International Conference on City Logistics in Cairns, Australia on 12-14 July 1999 and the Second International Conference on City Logistics in Okinawa, Japan on 27 – 29 June 2001. It is planned to conduct an international conference on City Logistics every two years for providing the opportunity to exchange knowledge and experience in this research area. ICL will also organise occasional mini-workshops. For example, the International Workshop on City Logistics and Urban Freight Transportation was held in Kyoto, Japan in October 1998 and also the International Workshop on City Logistics 2000 and 2002 was held in Kyoto in July 2000 and July 2002.



ICL will perform in-depth investigations on City Logistics and urban freight transport. Researchers who belong to universities or research organisations can participate in the collaborative research program at the ICL.



ICL will conduct short courses on City Logistics and urban freight transport for students, researchers and city planners. In particular, the demonstration and the training of using software will be given in the courses. The short course was held in Kyoto on 16th and 17th April 2001 and in Melbourne, Australia in October 2001 and in Delft, the Netherlands in December 2001.


Short courses

ICL will conduct short courses on City Logistics and urban freight transport for students, researchers and city planners. In particular, the demonstration and the training of using software will be given in the courses. The short course was held in Kyoto on 16th and 17th April 2001 and in Melbourne, Australia in October 2001 and in Delft, the Netherlands in December 2001.



ICL will issue newsletters periodically by Internet. Currently the home page given below will be the site for issuing newsletters.

Books and journals

ICL published the proceedings of the First International Conference on City Logistics, “City Logistics I” edited by E. Taniguchi and R.G. Thompson. This series of “City Logistics” will be published at the time of the international conference. For example, “City Logistics II” was published as the proceedings for the Second International Conference on City Logistics in 2001. A textbook entitled “City Logistics—Network Modelling and Intelligent Transport Systems” (E. Taniguchi, R.G. Thompson, T. Yamada and R. van Duin) has been published by Pergamon for short courses in 2001. A Japanese textbook entitled “City Logistics” (E. Taniguchi and T. Nemoto) has also been published by Morikita Publishing Company in 2001. In the future the publication of an international academic journal on city logistics will be considered.



ICL is currently located in Kyoto University, Japan, although ICL is not attached to the university.


Mailing address

Professor Eiichi Taniguchi

Department of Urban Management, Kyoto University
Kyotodaigaku-Katsura C1, Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto 615-8540 Japan
Phone: +81-75-383-3229
Fax: +81-75-950-3800



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